MCQs, Class 10 NCERT | Economics | Chapter – 5 | Consumer Rights


MCQs, Class 10 NCERT | Economics| Chapter – 5 | Consumer Rights

MCQs, Class 10 NCERT | Economics | Chapter - 5 | Consumer Rights
MCQs, Class 10 NCERT | Economics | Chapter – 5 | Consumer Rights by Learners Inside.

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Welcome to your Class 10 Social Science (Economics) MCQs Chapter 5 Consumer Rights


February 15, 2025

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Consumer Rights Class 10
Which of the following rights related to availing details of ingredients of a product?

Consumer Rights Class 10
In the marketplace, rules and regulations are required for the protection of the ________.

Consumer Rights Class 10
The district court deals with the cases involves claim up to _______.

Consumer Rights Class 10
In which one of the following courts a consumer should file a case if he/she is exploited In the market?

Consumer Rights Class 10
At the international level, this has become the foundation for consumer movement.

Consumer Rights Class 10
World Consumers’ Rights celebrated on _______________

Consumer Rights Class 10
In which of the following years was the Right to Information Act implemented?

Consumer Rights Class 10
Hallmark is used as a logo for which one of the following?

Consumer Rights Class 10
Which one of the following logos is used for standardisation of agriculture products?

Consumer Rights Class 10
One which one of the following items is I.S.I. used as a logo?

Consumer Rights Class 10
Which one the following statement is FALSE?

Consumer Rights Class 10
The district level court deals with the cases involving claims _________.

Consumer Rights Class 10
In the case of Reji Mathew, he suffered due to improper anaesthesia which resulted in brain abnormalities. Who was held responsible by the National Commission after locking into a complaint?

Consumer Rights Class 10
When did the United Nation adopt the guidelines for Consumer Protection?

Consumer Rights Class 10
National consumers’ Day In India is observed on _______________.

Consumer Rights Class 10
Rampant food shortage, hoarding, black marketing gave birth to the consumer movement In an organized form in the year.

For which of these products does it become mandatory for the producer to get certified?

Consumer Rights Class 10
The district level consumer court deals with the cases involves claims __________.

Consumer Rights Class 10
In India, the consumer movement as a ___________ originated with the necessity of protecting and promoting the interests of consumers against unethical and unfair trade practices.

Consumer Rights Class 10
A major step taken in 1986 by the Indian Government was the enactment of the ____________.

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