MCQs | Political Parties – Class 10 | Chapter-6 | Civics (Social Science)


MCQs, Political Parties – class 10 (Civics) Chapter 6, Social Science

MCQs, Political Parties – Class 10, Chapter – 6, Social Science (Civics), NCERT

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Class 10 Civics, Chapter – 6 (Political Parties)

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Welcome to your Class 10 Social Science (Civics) MCQs Chapter 6 - Political Parties


February 14, 2025

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Political Parties Class 10
Which of the following is the most visible institutions In a democracy?

Political Parties Class 10
What is an Alliance?

Political Parties Class 10
Which party is only allowed to rule in China?

Political Parties Class 10
On what ideologies does the Indian National Congress has:

Political Parties Class 10
Which one of the following countries has single party system:

Political Parties Class 10
The institution that banned wall writing by parties during election:

Political Parties Class 10
A recognized political party is:

Political Parties Class 10
How many parties are registered with the elction commission in India?

Political Parties Class 10
A group of people who come together to contest elections and hold power in the government is called:

Political Parties Class 10
An example of a country having the multi party system:

Political Parties Class 10
Which of these is the main component of Political Parties?

Political Parties Class 10
Which political party support the concept of Hindutva?

Political Parties Class 10
Any party with 63% of total votes in Lok Sabha or Assembly election in four states and win at least 4 seats in Lok Sabha is recognized as:

Political Parties Class 10
The opposition party is:

Political Parties Class 10
Which is National Parties?

Political Parties Class 10
The rise of political parties Is directly linked to:

Political Parties Class 10
System with single party system is known as:

Political Parties Class 10
How many Lok Sabha constituencies are there in India at present?

Political Parties Class 10
System with Two party system is known as:

Political Parties Class 10
Which of these is the function of Political Parties?

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Practice Civics Class 10 MCQs
Chapter 1: Power Sharing
Chapter 2: Federalism
Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity
Chapter 4: Gender, Religion, and Caste
Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and Movements
Chapter 7: Outcomes of Democracy
Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy

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CBSE Class 10 Economics MCQs


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Download Class – 6, NCERT Books pdf
Download Class – 7, NCERT Books pdf
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Pillars of Democracy: Meaning, Understanding, Countries Examples

{Detail} Democracy in India & Other Countries – Direct Democracy

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