MCQs | Outcomes of Democracy – Class 10 | Chapter-7 | (Social Science)


MCQs, Outcomes of Democracy – class 10 (Civics) Chapter 7, Social Science (Civics)

MCQs, Outcomes of Democracy – Class 10, Chapter – 7, Social Science (Civics), NCERT

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Class 10 Civics, Chapter – 7 (Outcomes of Democracy)

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Welcome to your Class 10 Social Science (Civics) MCQs Chapter 7 - Outcomes of Democracy


February 15, 2025

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Outcomes of Democracy class 10
Which of the following statements is not true about democracy?

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
Which of the following is NOT necessary to measure a democracy?

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
A democratic government is ________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
In a democracy, a citizen has right and means to examine the process of decision making, it is known as _______.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
If a government provides its citizens a right and means to examine the process of decision, it is ________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
A democratic government is much batter than non- government because __________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
The successful democracy needs ____.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
People feel that democracy is better as it promotes _______.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
The basic outcome of democracy is __________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
Which democracies ensure regarding the decision making?

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
On which of the following Economic growth depends?

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
The political parties and democratic government are accountable to __________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
In the context of democracy which of the following ideas is correct? Democracies have successfully eliminated _______.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
We can judge democracy by its ______.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
When democracy was introduced in India?

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
Which country tops in the inequality of income?

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
The fact that people are complaining is a testament to the _________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
Many countries of the world claim and practice _________.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
Studies on political and social inequalities show that ______.

Outcomes of Democracy class 10
In the contest of democracy which among the following is odd one? Democracies need to ensure _____________.

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Practice Civics Class 10 MCQs
Chapter 1: Power Sharing
Chapter 2: Federalism
Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity
Chapter 4: Gender, Religion, and Caste
Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and Movements
Chapter 6: Political Parties
Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy

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