MCQs | Chapter-2, Sectors of the Indian Economy – Class 10 | Economics


MCQs, Sectors of the Indian Economy – Class 10, Chapter – 2, (Economics), NCERT

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Class 10 Economics, Chapter – 2 (Sectors of the Indian Economy)

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Welcome to your Class 10 Social Science (Economics) MCQs Chapter 2 - Sectors of the Indian Economy


February 14, 2025

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class 10 economics Ch. 2
The goods that are used as raw materials for further production are known by which name?

class 10 economics Ch. 2
The sectors are classified into public and private sector on the basis of __________.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
The value of all final goods and services produced within a country during a particular year is called as ______.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Which among the following is a features of unorganized sectors?

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Information and Technology is a part of –

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Choose the correct meaning of organized sector.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Which sector has emerging as the largest producing sector in India.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Underemployment is also called –

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Public health is a responsibility of ___________.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
All economics activities that directly involve conversion of natural resources are classified under ______.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Under employment occurs when people

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Places of work which follow rules and regulation are termed as –

class 10 economics Ch. 2
The sector in which the productive units are owed, maintained and managed by government.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Where will you find the disguised unemployment most?

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Employment figures of a country are based on data collected from 5 yearly survey on employment and unemployment. Which organization conduct this survey?

class 10 economics Ch. 2
MGNREGY guarantees job to poor for –

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Animal Husbandry is a part of __________.

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Which among the following workers are not very productive in tertiary sector?

class 10 economics Ch. 2
Which among the following activities is not related to primary sector?

class 10 economics Ch. 2
The secondary sector is known as _______ as this sector produces useful items from natural products.

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